Der Band behandelt prähistorische Handwerkstechniken, experimentelle Archäologie und ihre Anwendung in archäologischen Freilichtmuseen in Europa. Das (überwiegend englischsprachige) Buch fasst die Ergebnisse der im Herbst 2013 in Albersdorf durchgeführten internationalen Tagung sowie weitere Forschungen zusammen. Es enthält aber auch aktuelle Berichte über den Steinzeitpark Dithmarschen und dort durchgeführte Experimente oder zu den Ausgrabungen von Großsteingräbern auf der Dithmarscher Geest. Einen weiteren Schwerpunkt bilden Forschungen zu urgeschichtlichen Steinbearbeitungstechniken, zum frühen Bronzeguss und zur praktischen Anwendung prähistorischer Geräte und Werkzeuge. Abgeschlossen wird der Band mit einem internationalen Blick auf die pädagogische Arbeit von Freilichtmuseen.
“Experience Nature – Culture – History
and keep it safe for the future
(‘Mission Statement’ of the Archeological-Ecological Centre Albersdorf)
Since 2011 the Archeological-Ecological Centre Albersdorf (AÖZA) is the only German institution to take part in the project ‘OpenArch – Cooperation of Archeological Open Air Museums in Europa’, which has been cofinanced by the ‘Culture’ programme of the European Union. The project is mainly about the improvement of the public mediation of scientific based results in the field of the archeological open-air museums.
In cooperation with ten other project-partners from Catalonia, Finland, Great Britain, Italy, The Netherlands, Serbia and Sweden, the AÖZA works on the establishment of quality criteria, on the development of new marketing strategies and on the extension of visitor research in a European perspective. The international exchange of experimental archeologists and educators is, besides the regular joint meetings of the working group, another important aspect of the project, which will run until end of 2015.
From September 23 to 27, 2013, an international conference took place in Albersdorf within the framework of the OpenArch-Project. The focus of this conference, with its more than 90 expert participants, was the topic ‘Stone and Stone Working in European Pre- and Protohistory’. This conference was also an important part of the OpenArch-Workpackage No. 4 about the ‘Dialogue with Skills’.
One of the results of this conference is the proceedings book; it contains some reports and experiments which were presented during the conference, but besides that also other results of the OpenArch-project about the practical and theoretical work in archeological open-air museums.”
184 Seiten